What is a Diocesan Priest?
A diocesan priest lives among the people in the parishes of the diocese ministering to the day-to-day needs of God's people as a spiritual father. His ministry centers around the administration of the sacraments: celebration of masses, baptisms, weddings, funerals, hearing confessions, and anointing the sick. His commitment is to serve the people of the local Church.
Am I Called to the Priesthood?
Even though a man only “knows” he is called when he is ordained, there are many positive signs that can point to a vocation, and here are some of them:
- A friendship with Jesus is important to me.
- People tell me that I would make a good priest.
- A desire to go to Mass and Adoration frequently, even daily.
- The thought of becoming a priest keeps coming back over and over again.
- I’m afraid to tell my friends and family that I’ve been thinking about the priesthood.
- I imagine myself preaching or think about how I would preach the homily differently.
- I have a burning desire to help people get closer to Christ and to know the Truth.
- If some of these statements reflect how you feel, then God may be calling you.

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